Sunday, May 8, 2011


So on Wednesday ( yes I'm a little bit backwards, its been one of those weeks and pretty hectic) , I went back to the city that made me New York to the Lincoln Center for the Fashion Snoops #Fashion140 Conference Event.

I must say it was different from what I expected but it was still amazing! It was so informative. They had a lot of amazing people involved in the industry from many different aspects. The conference was based on facts and different ways social media is used for individual as well as cooperate fashion businesses.

I never realized how much Social Media is affecting and benefiting Fashion. Learned a lot of key notes, and en-locked their words into my little brain. They had names such as Elle, Essence, Marc Ecko, Miss USA, just to name a few. The only negative about the event was that their was no time to network or ask questions. Each segment was given 10 minutes either for a presentation or a panel. I was able to network on my own however with certain people if I was in their presence for more than 1 minute, and I exchanged a few business cards. However I also was able to obtain many peoples twitters, blogs, new sites, and learn more about people in different aspects of the Fashion Industry so it was still a success in my book! 

So of course my slow self did not understand the name of the event until I saw this poster 140 characters a tweet. Duh! lol

"Fashion is the new black"

"Everybody cares about Fashion"

Her dress was PHENOMENAL !

Joe Zee Creative Director or Elle my FAV speaker of the day

Some of the Fashion Snoop workers, these ladies have such STYLE! I was obsessed with the skirt with the first girl, and they have and ARE doing so much. When their panel came up it inspired me so much and I figured what they were doing was what I wanted to do or along those lines!

Miss USA and TeenUSA

Marc Ecko who spoke about his new "Cause" he is working on other than fashion and using Social Media as well

Had to do the Mirror Flick lol

Went to the event with my sis and my right hand man

Lady who took our pic told me "I was too much and she loved it!" with the way I was posing lol

So forget the big black guy in the front check out ol dude behind him LOL

Name Badge Official


  1. nice blog! let me know if you need advice with ur transition btw. Cant wait to speak for your group!

  2. Thank you soo much!! You already know I am a fan of yours =) !!

    Cant wait to have you!!!
